Monday, April 7, 2008

Updated Project Outline

THESIS: To be determined.

My project is to compare various CADD programs and to see how they compare when used for Architectural Design.

My list of CADD programs is short for now but I hope to find more.

-Autodesk Revit

METHOD: To determine how efficient each of the programs are and what limitations they are bound by.

1. Are the programs easy to learn how to use?

2. Are the programs easily accessible? Do they cost a lot? Are they available to you average user?

3. Do the programs run well on the average computer?

4. What sets the programs apart from each other? Why would someone choose one over the

SPECIAL PROBLEMS: I would like to be able to get professional opinions on each of the programs that I will compare for this project. If not professional maybe one of the other students in my program has used another program and would be willing to talk about that.

ALSO: Do all of the programs run in imperial and metric systems of measurement? Do they run on Mac, Windows, Linux ....etc? Do they read other CAD drawing file formats?


Unknown said...

I'm curious. Found your blog and want to know where you are, where you go to school. I'm going to keep an eye on your comparison here, if that's ok. In the interest of full disclosure, I work for Nemetschek North America, makers of VectorWorks. I am just an observer here and won't interfer with your work. Just know that if you need any assistance with VectorWorks or have any questions, check out our web site and our tech boards ( Good luck with your work.

J McNutt said...

Being a student we are limited in what we are taught. Our EDDT program at TRU is limited to mainly AutoDesk products. I myself am more interested in learning what all the top CADD programs have to offer. I feel it is important because not all companies use the same program. Also I thank you Terri for taking interest in my thesis and would like you to Maybe give a professional opinion on VectorWorks and maybe how it intends to take on the competitors in the growing BIM (building information modeling) market.

I will certainly check again and look for better information on your product in the tech boards.

J McNutt said...

You wanted to know where I am, I live in Kamloops, British Columbia. I am currently enrolled in my second of three years in the Engineering Design and Drafting Technology program at Thompson Rivers University which also happens to be in Kamloops.

Unknown said...

Let me know what you need and I'll hook you up. There are folks here more able to address BIM, etc, and they'd be glad to talk to you. And I also got your message that you're in BC. Call me if you need to at (410) 290-5114, 719.

Dale Parkes said...

Your blog is looking much improved Josh and it looks like you are generating some interesting discussion already. As an instructor in the program I would like to encourage students to use other software so that they can decide what works best for what they want to do.